Aaron Bezzina / Sarah Maria Scicluna / Pippin Barr
Curated by Alexandra Pace
In collaboration with aditus foundation
23 April – 20 May 2016
You Are What You Eatis about history, roots, routes and destinations. It is a project that looks at where we have come from and what has led us to the state we are in. In short, You Are What You Eat is about migration; although we are choosing to have this conversation through a channel that all members of society heartily indulge in – food.
The exhibition is the result of a nine-month-long conversation between a researcher and three artists, with the curator acting as mediator. The task at hand was to broker and negotiate historical and anthropological findings and facts in the development of three works of art, which endeavour to engage our audiences in a deeper understanding of how Malta’s intercultural history is ultimately reflected in the food on our tables.
The vision for this exhibition reflects that which drives the Blitz organisation and programme. Although the starting point of this project is research on the history and roots of our culinary history, its aim is to present a collection of works that are indicative of our contemporary existence, while acknowledging that the present is still a consequence of, and inextricably bound to, the past.