29 June to 13 July 2018

In this exhibition, Charlie Cauchi laments Malta’s migration history, creating a series of artworks, ranging from photography and soundscapes, to built structures and moving image. The exhibition uses a mixture visual art practices to examine our past and present migration stories. Arranged around the architecture of the ‘townhouse’ structure that is Blitz, this exhibition appropriates each room in the gallery to tell a different migration story.
Latitude 36 is a socially engaged transmedia project focusing on Maltese individuals and community groups located in different parts of the world. Named for the geographic location of the Maltese islands, stories of migration and immigration are gathered and shared. Revealing both personal and collective narratives, Latitude 36 travels the globe seeking tales of what it means to leave home. Seeking new insight into the Maltese emigration experience and to promote discussion, the goal is to creatively engender new perspectives on issues of migration, memory and identity.
With the participation of Maltese communities in the UK, USA, Canada, and beyond, the migratory experience of everyday individuals is placed at the core. Latitude 36 examines personal stories, weaving together a variety of strands to tell the story of one subject – migration – and presents the discoveries across multiple platforms.
Under the umbrella of Latitude 36, creative director, curator and artist Charlie Cauchi presents documentaries; original performance pieces by established artists; and a public exhibition in Malta showcasing stories and details, told through installations and experiential exhibits Latitude 36 invites local and global audiences to observe individual journeys, linger over shared experiences and join the conversation.

All photos are courtesy the artist and Blitz Valletta I Photos by Alexandra Pace.